Monday, May 30, 2011


The term, 'magic realism' seems to be an oxymoron until one looks into the possibilities of a dream, or perhaps the meaning of a Dali or Picasso painting. For some, life is both real and magic, lived through the traditional senses but understood through the para-normal. 'Metaphor' is yet another of those terms that have been applied to the work of Borges that has a definition that can be found in any dictionary but must be experienced to be understood. This 7 page paper examines the poem, The Chess Game, by Jorge Luis Borges,in terms of the uses of metaphor. In the general sense, all metaphors are related to the living of life. This is true also of this poem. No additional sources are listed. e term, 'magic realism' seems to be an oxymoron until one looks into the possibilities of a dream, or perhaps the meaning of a Dali or Picasso painting. For some, life is both real and magic, lived through the traditional senses but understood through the para-normal. 'Metaphor' is yet another of those terms that have been applied to the work of Borges that has a definition that can be found in any dictionary but must be experienced to be understood. This 7 page paper examines the poem, The Chess Game, by Jorge Luis Borges,in terms of the uses of metaphor. In the general sense, all metaphors are related to the living of life. This is true also of this poem. No additional sources are listed.

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